Shropshire Star

Last chance to fill out census before officers visit

People across the West Midlands are being urged to fill their census forms in as soon as possible to avoid getting a knock on the door.

Last updated

Field officers will this week begin the task of calling in on households which have yet to complete the survey.

Pete Benton, of the Office for National Statistics which is carrying out the study, warned that people who failed to return their census forms were likely to face fines.

“The overwhelming majority of people have already taken part and we’ve heard some great stories, from those completing their 10th census to those completing their first," he said.

“But, for us to have the most accurate picture of the whole population, we need everyone to fill in their questionnaire.

"By doing so you will be helping shape the local services in your community – the bus routes, school places, the hospital beds."

Mr Benton said it could easily be completed online, but people requiring help could contact their nearest census support centre.

He added that paper forms were available for those who needed them.

Mr Benton added that people with second homes were also required to fill in separate forms for each property they owned.

“If you’ve not been to your caravan, holiday let or city commuter pad because of lockdown, you still need to complete a census for all your properties – even if there’s no-one there – so that we get an accurate picture of the entire housing stock.

“All students need to be included in the census too. They should complete it for their usual term-time address. If they’re currently living at their home address, they will need to be included in the census for that household too."

To take part online go to the website