Shropshire Star

Event rides in to help church funds

Shropshire chapels and churches are opening up on September 11 for a "Ride and Stride" fundraising event in its "comeback year" after Covid.


Ride and Stride is a national event organised by the National Churches Trust, and in Shropshire and the borderlands involves about 250 churches, most of which open from 10am to 6pm to welcome those taking part, often with refreshments on offer.

Cash is raised through sponsorship money collected by people walking or riding between participating churches, which includes car rides for older folk. Money raised is equally split between the local church or chapel and the Shropshire Historic Churches Trust, a charity which provides grants for the repair and renovation of the county's churches.

In 2019 the event, which is held on the second Saturday in September, raised just over £29,200 in Shropshire, but in coronavirus-affected 2020 the figure fell to around £16,200.

More details are available at

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