Shropshire Star

Police federation pays tribute to officer who died while on duty on Tuesday

West Mercia Police Federation has paid tribute to their colleague Andy Boardman who died on duty on Tuesday afternoon at the age of 43.

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PC Andy Boardman

PC Boardman, who served with Shropshire Safer Neighbourhood Team for Broseley and Much Wenlock, was responding to an incident alongside paramedics from the West Midlands Ambulance Service when he was taken ill and collapsed.

Branch secretary of West Mercia Police Federation, Pete Nightingale, said: “Andy’s death has come as a terrible shock to us all.

“Our thoughts are with his wife Luci, their daughters, family, friends and colleagues.

“It is always incredibly difficult when we lose a colleague and there are support networks in place for any of our members at this sad time.”

The Scottish Police Federation and British Transport Police (BTP) Federation also paid tributes to PC Boardman.

Taking to Twitter, the Scottish Police Federation said their thoughts were with the Boardman family, while BTP Federation tweeted: "The thin blue line is sadly a little thinner today. Our thoughts are with our colleagues in West Mercia."