Shropshire Star

Opposition leaders slam proposed cuts to SEND school transport funding

Plans to stop funding school transport for nursery and post-16 pupils with special educational needs and disabilities have been slammed as “shameful” by opposition councillors.

Shropshire Council

Shropshire Council’s cabinet has agreed to go out to public consultation on proposals to end financial contributions for school transport for children it does not have a legal duty to provide it for, which also includes mainstream post-16 pupils.

A report to members at a meeting on Wednesday said the cuts could save the authority £350,000 a year but would likely have a “high negative impact” on the children affected.

Presenting the report, Councillor Kirstie Hurst-Knight, cabinet member for children and education, said a number of other councils were also looking at similar measures to help balance the books.

She added: “At this stage no decisions have been made and we will bring back to cabinet the outcome of the consultation along with any recommendations.”

Councillor Roger Evans, leader of the Liberal Democrat group, said: “You may not be surprised that I do no support this.

“I am amazed that [this report] is coming here in these times of cost of living increases, when many families are having to make choices – hard choices – and those families that are carers for children with disabilities are now being faced with more costs.”