Shropshire Star

Cat rescue crew scrambled to second incident in two days

A fire crew was scrambled to their second cat rescue in the space of a couple of days.

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Picture: Shropshire Fire & Rescue Service

Following on from their dash to rescue a moggie from behind the dashboard of vehicle on Thursday the crew at Church Stretton responded to another emergency both at Lower Wood in All Stretton.

The owner takes in rescue cats and the second incident saw a rescue crew scrambled at 11.33am on Friday.

A spokesperson for Church Stretton Fire Station said: "It was a different kitten this time, either a sister or brother, at the same address as the owners takes in rescue cats.

"The poor kitten was hanging from the roof of the cage with his head stuck through the bars. We just used bolt croppers to cut a small hole round him for release. Two cat rescues in two days!"

A spokesperson from Shropshire Fire & Rescue Service said the crew used small gear and bolt cutters to free the hapless feline from its predicament.

A vet was also on the scene watching on as the kitten was released.

The fire crew sent its incident stop message less than 30 minutes later.