Shropshire Star

Shropshire Girl Guides celebrating after three girls scoop top award

The county's girl guides have been celebrating after three members passed the highest award possible – a record number for the organisation.


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Girlguiding Shropshire said it was a “huge honour” to have one girl in the county to win the Queens Guide Awards in a year, but the county has never had three winners in one year before.

Drew Marrs and County Queens Guide Award Adviser Megan Phillips

The Queen’s Guide offers the chance to develop your skills, give back to guiding and support your local community.

Sophie Bayliss with Megan

It’s open to members aged 16 to 30 and must be completed within three years from the start date or before their 31st birthday, whichever is sooner.

Winner Kathryn Wilson

Three Shropshire guides: Drew Marrs, Sophie Bayliss and Kathryn Wilson picked up their awards from the county's Queens Guide Award Adviser, Megan Phillips.

She said: “It’s a huge honour to have one girl in a County achieve this award, due it being such a challenging award which can bring both personal and guiding hurdles along the way, but to have thee in one year from the same county is outstanding.

“As the Queen Guide Award Adviser for Shropshire I am truly honoured to have helped these girls through their awards, by helping them out from their initial meeting, pointing them on right path, to having their award book back in my hand after being signed by the Chief Guide and getting in touch with them to start their celebrations of their award.

“It’s a huge honour for Girlguiding Shropshire to have so many girls complete award. It makes my job as a volunteer in Girlguiding worth while that I have helped these girls achieve this award within their guiding life.”

She added that Drew Marrs only 11 months to accomplish her award, which is a record in itself and the other two recipients started just before the pandemic but had to restart the award due to the stopping of girl guiding activity.

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