Shropshire Star

Kington polling station likely to stay in current location

Kington’s polling station is proposed to remain at the town’s football club, according to a review.

Kington’s polling station is proposed to remain at the town’s football club, according to a review.
Kington’s polling station is proposed to remain at the town’s football club, according to a review.

Herefordshire Council is currently undertaking a review of polling districts, polling places and polling station and it is required to do that every five years.

It offers the chance to take account of known future changes, such as where buildings have ceased or will cease to be capable of being used as polling stations etc.

The Returning Officer has now published their recommendations.

At a recent Kington Town Council meeting members were told that the proposals for Kington town, Kington rural, Kingswood and Lower Harpton are that the polling station remains where it is, at Kington Town Football Club on Mill Street.

The review shows there is a total electorate of 2069 in Kington town with 291 postal voters.

Members of the town council agreed that they are happy for the polling station to remain at the football club.