A dental devices supplier could open in a vacant Rhayader shop
An application to locate a dental devices supplier at a vacant shop in Rhayader has been supported by the town council.
Miss Katie Saunders has applied to change the use of part of the ground floor of a shop at Clarence House on North Street into a manufacturer of dental devices.
She said DentureKraft manufactures and supplies dental devices such as dentures, orthodontic and gumshield bite guards and bleaching trays to dentists locally and throughout the country.
In her application she said the property used to be an antiques and house clearance shop but it ended in August 2017 and is currently vacant.
Miss Saunders said the dental business would operate from 9am until 5pm Monday to Friday and a polishing lathe and hand motors would have built in extraction units so would be low noise.
She added: “The neighbourhood seems excited to have the shop occupied as opposed to another empty shop front. And it will provide a useful service within the town.”
Rhyader Town Council considered the plans at a recent meeting and had no objections.
Town and County Councillor Angela Davies said: “This application is for a change of business use from retail to manufacture – there is no material change to the building structure or layout at the property.
“Therefore, this application does not prevent a future return to retail should that ever become an option in the future. On that basis I am happy to support the proposal and wish the applicant well in their endeavours.”
The town council recommended approval of the plan. Powys County Council will make a final decision
The council also considered a plan to fell two Lawson Cypress trees in St Bride’s Church, which is in a conservation area.
It’s actually an old multi stemmed tree, but due to the condition of the tree it is at increased risk of falling onto neighbouring gardens in Llawrllan.
Rhayader Town Council recommended approval of that plan too.