Builth Wells Town Council will increase its precept by 14 per cent in 2025
A Powys town council will increase its precept by 14 per cent to pay for staff wages, Christmas lights, toilets and events.
Builth Wells has agreed to precept for 144,096.00 for 2025/2026 which is a 14 per cent increase per Band D household. Last year they asked for £126,400
It will mean residents in a Band D home will have to pay £130.54 for its town council services compared with £115.29 last year.
The council’s total budget is £156,811.00, but it will take £12,715.00 from its reserves in order to keep the increase as low as they can for residents.
The budget was ratified at a town council meeting last week but Powys County Council, Police and Mid and West Wales Fire and Rescue figures will need to be added to the final bills.
Town clerk Louise Hammond said; “A comprehensive overview of all monies, cash reserves and earmarked expenditure by going through each catagory line by line, answering questions from members.
"I also highlighted where there were any shortfalls, where the Town Council needed to earmark any of its reserves, what expenditure might be needed and how much was recommended.
"In addition, members worked through the budget ringfencing monies on individual budget lines to form earmarked reserves to be carried forward to 2025/26. The other reserves will be designated as General Reserves to cover unexpected expenditure or legal action.”
The council agreed that staff wages would be increased in line with the spinal column points payscale and money was put aside for superannuation and National Insurance contributions.
The Christmas lights were discussed at length and the council agreed to increase its budget this year to take into account a cost of installation increase and a possible additional venue for lights.
A slight increase in budget was also needed for dog waste bags but the council will monitor it over the coming months.
Money available for events was increased to cover the summer and Christmas events that the council holds.
Mrs Hammond said; “There was a detailed discussion about the Groe toilets and how much it is costing. Council resolved to put aside enough money to facilitate this service this year, but this will have to be monitored closely. It is likely that in future years this facility will have to be made a public payable resource.
“It is crucial that in the future the Strand Hall starts to pay for itself, and the budget required was reduced by some of the Halls income. There is still some decorating and other works needed, so monies have been ring-fenced. Town Council resolved its agreement with this.
The budget for the hanging baskets was reduced slightly as there are no longer so many tubs and troughs, the grass cutting budget is also the same and the council will pay fully for the school crossing patrol but they will monitor it in line with their strategic plan.
The money available for grants was increased slightly but the budget for community projects was not increased as £30k had been set aside previously to repair the War memorial, the cost is estimated to be £9,00 and there is also project money for the Croeso site refurbishment and new lights for the Groe.
Money not spent would be carried over for any other project that council would like to deliver.