Carols at Llandrindod Wells bandstand success
The Bracken Trust Singers entertained residents with Carols at the Bandstand in Llandrindod Wells recently

The Bracken Trust Singers entertained residents with Carols at the Bandstand in Llandrindod Wells recently
It was a great evening enjoyed by local residents. Llandrindod Wells Town Council served mulled wine and mince pies to those who attended and everyone joined in singing the carols and festive songs.
Llandrindod Wells Town Clerk Jane Johnston said: “Thanks to the Bracken Trust Singers for entertaining so well, Tony Morgan for providing the PA and members of Llandrindod Wells Town Council for facilitating and attending the event.
“Councillor Kim Nicholls reported it as a really successful event and a donation of £100 was presented to them for the Bracken Trust on behalf of the Festive Lighting Committee and Town Council.”