David Chadwick calls for local environmental campaigners to sit on Dŵr Cymru Board
Welsh Liberal Democrat MP for Brecon, Radnor and Cwm Tawe David Chadwick has called for environmental campaigners and local residents to serve on the Board of Dŵr Cymru/Welsh Water.

.David Chadwick made the call as part of a debate on the Water (Special Measures) Bill being introduced by the Government to reform the regulation of water companies.
David Chadwick used the debate to highlight the poor condition of the three major rivers crossing Brecon, Radnor and Cwm Tawe – the Wye, Usk and Tawe.
All three rivers are ranked within the top 30 most sewage-filled in the entire UK, with the River Tawe in the top 10.
David Chadwick raised the fact that river pollution is not only damaging precious wildlife in Wales, but is also impacting recreation and tourism as well as having wider economic impacts, such as blocking new housing in heavily impacted areas.
He also stated that Natural Resources Wales has faced decades of cuts and job losses under the Welsh Labour Government, leaving it unable to do its job properly highlighting how regulation is only useful if it is backed up by the resources and funding to see it enforced.
David Chadwick MP said: “After years of the Conservatives allowing water companies to get away with stripping out profits from water companies for shareholders and executive bonuses rather than investing in infrastructure, the Liberal Democrats are glad to see our demands for more regulation are being listened to.
“However, it is clear that new regulation will not work if it is not backed up by funding and resources. Dŵr Cymru is officially a non-profit, yet the Welsh Government and NRW have allowed it to get away with paying massive bonuses over several years all whilst having one of the worst environmental records in the UK.
“If we are really to see an improvement in water quality across Wales, we need to see environmental duties placed at the heart of what water companies deliver. That is why I and the Liberal Democrats are calling for local environmental campaigners and community champions to sit on the board of Dŵr Cymru.
The full contribution can be watched here: https://parliamentlive.tv/event/index/3780dea6-4ce6-440a-954f-864296a2c056?in=20:27:35