The idea of holding a Saturday market in Llandrindod Wells is to be pursued by the town council.
The idea of holding a Saturday market in Llandrindod Wells is to be pursued by the town council.
Buoyed by the success of the recent Christmas market which was organised in a few days, town councillors will now look into holding a monthly market in Middleton Street to attract shoppers.
Councillor Jamie Jones said the recent Christmas market was a really nice day and he came up with the idea of a Saturday market.
“Perhaps we will need to ask people if they would be interested in a market and we would have to ask the traders what they think and we will need to see if we can build something up.
“At the moment the only thing bringing people into the town is the Metropole Hotel and the lake and with the likes of the Victorian Festival cutting back, the town is missing an identity. I just thought if we had a market or other traders to bring people in.
“I was down in Middleton Street the other Saturday and it was dead. It should be the busiest day of the week.”
Councillor David Markinson agreed and said there should be more trade going on and the council should do something to encourage it.
“I think a market would be a good idea, research shows footfall goes up when there is amarket in town and there would be a lot of benefits for local traders.
“Perhaps we could offer free stalls for the first few months of the year to allow traders to get used to coming to town.”
Councillor Steve Deeks-D’Silva said in many towns you drive through the centre and you can see what’s going on but in Llandrindod Wells you don’t so something to bring people in would be good.
“I don’t think a farmer’s market would be in competition too much, but there is a monthly artisan market at the Pavilion and a weekly market and I would not want to affect those. This is a toe in the water situation.”
Deputy Mayor Councillor Paul Smith said he 100 per cent thinks the council should explore the idea, as a market town should have a market, but he said they had to be careful not to raise expectations too much because of the costs and rules etc.
Town clerk Jane Johnston said she could look into the logistics of having a market such as road closure costs, the rules and stall prices etc and she said she has a contact who may be able to help.
Councillors said they should also come up with a survey for residents and traders to see what they think.
Members agreed to move forward with idea after Christmas by doing some research on the logistics and coming up with questions for an online and paper survey, before having further discussions.