Wind farm developers will be invited to give a presentation to Llandrindod Wells Town Council in the future.
Wind farm developers will be invited to give a presentation to Llandrindod Wells Town Council in the future.
Bute Energy contacted the council and offered to meet with them.
They said they have plans to deliver the single largest investment in onshore wind in Wales and are committed to providing the council with the most up to date information on the development of energy parks in their area.
Tom Edmunds, project manager said ahead of the next phase of community engagement, they would welcome the opportunity to meet with the council to give them an update on Aberedw Energy Park and address any queries.
Councillor Sian Meredudd said a meeting with Bute Energy could be a way for the council to make another effort on the issue, after they hosted a successful meeting this year.
Deputy Mayor Councillor Paul Smith said he also thought it was a good idea to meet with them.
“I am very concerned about all of their developments, especially the ones that will come down in the Hundred House area, and will damage the area,” said Councillor Jamie Jones.
“I think as a council we have to listen to all sides of the argument to show that we are dealing with everything fairly. I think we have a duty to listen to what they have to say even if we disagree with it.”
Councillor David Markinson, who chaired the council’s windfarm meeting in April, said Bute Energy have a lot of boxes to tick with their applications and this is part of that exercise.
“We will not get anything further out of them. It will just be that they will be able to say they have consulted us and it will be a tick box exercise for them. We need to bear that in mind,” he said.
Councillor Steve Deeks-D’Silva added: “I would certainly be happy for them to address this council. We have to represent our residents, we will have some for it and some against it. We have made a stance but we have to represent all residents.”
Councillor Kim Nicholls said the town council would be damned if it did and damned if it did not meet with Bute Energy. “I think we can sit down and listen to what they have to say,” she said.
Members agreed to contact them and arrange for them to make a presentation to a council meeting at a future date.