Need a New Year's resolution? Hug a rightwinger and live life outside your phone camera
In the year 2025... It doesn't quite have the same ring as that Zager and Evans hit of the 1960s.

But if you're still looking for a resolution for the new year, how about this one - hug a right-winger.
Of course, the position of all things in the universe is relative, so if you think you are hugging a right-winger, then it stands to reason that you must be to the left of them. However, what if being right wing is becoming the new centre ground?
America, France, Italy. The rise of Reform in Britain. For liberal newsrooms and politicians, it's a right-wing horror show, an aberration which has inflicted on the world the prospect for 2025 of a second Donald Trump presidency.
The take of the BBC's Justin Webb, who covered the American presidential election, in a podcast review of the year, gives food for thought, especially on how the media covers the Don phenomenon. He said those who voted for Trump were not necessarily big fans, or could be pigeon-holed as racist loons or whatever, but were simply ordinary people who thought he was the right choice.
He added that the media had to find a way of reporting "all this populist stuff."
"We've got to feel comfortable with these people," he said.