Shropshire Star

Two vacancies for the role of town councillor on Kington Town Council.

There are currently two vacancies for the role of town councillor on Kington Town Council.

There are currently two vacancies for the role of town councillor on Kington Town Council.
There are currently two vacancies for the role of town councillor on Kington Town Council.

The vacancies have been advertised and no valid request for elections has been received by the Elections Office at Herefordshire Council.

So the town council is now free to co-opt new members to fill the vacancies.

Town clerk Liz Kelso said notices have been placed on the notice boards and on the town council website.

Anyone who might be interested in being a town councillor should contact the clerk as some checks are required before the person can present themselves for co-option.

To contact the clerk, visit Kington Town Council offices at the Old Police Station, Market Hall Street, Kington, HR5 3DP, call 01544 239098 or email: