Shropshire Star

Two members of Kington Town Council have resigned, leaving a total of four vacancies.

Two members of Kington Town Council have resigned, leaving a total of four vacancies.

Two members of Kington Town Council have resigned, leaving a total of four vacancies.
Two members of Kington Town Council have resigned, leaving a total of four vacancies.

Councillor Alan Dixon, who was co-opted onto the council in May 2023 resigned saying his job has expanded and he is struggling to meet the demands of it and his town council role.

Councillor Kim Greig was also co-opted onto the town council in May 2023 and she resigned recently on the grounds of ill health.

Two other vacancies already existed, although the council was told at a meeting last week that one person had shown an interest in joining.

Kington Mayor Councillor Philip Sell said: “It is sad to hear of these resignations. I have written to them both to thank them for their hard work on the council and for their contribution to the town.”

Town clerk Liz Kelso said members of the public now have an opportunity to request an election to fill the two new vacancies.

A copy of the formal notice can be found on the town council’s vacancies page.  

The request, which must be made by ten or more electors, must be received by the Returning Officer at Herefordshire Council no later than Friday, January 31 2025.  

If no formal request is received, the town council will be able to co-opt to fill that vacancy.   For more information about the role of a Town Councillor, please speak to the Town Clerk by calling 01544 239098 or email: