Electrical work to replace an electrical sub-station is planned for Kington this month.
Electrical work to replace an electrical sub-station is planned for Kington this month.
The National Grid contacted the town council about the work planned for Ellen Lane.
Kington Mayor Councillor Philip Sell and Deputy Mayor Councillor Martin Woolford recently met a representative to discuss the work placed.
Town clerk Liz Kelso told a recent town council meeting; “The current proposals are that some parking spaces outside the Garth will be taken up with storage for equipment with no requirement for additional parking to be provided at the Recreation Ground.”
She said the larger project linked to this work is likely to involve work to the High Street replacing main cables serving High Street businesses in 2026.
Ms Kelso said: “This is a much bigger project with major implications for the town so National Grid is being encouraged to engage with the town council, local businesses and other stakeholders to plan for this work.”
She said there will be an item about it on the town council’s agenda in the future.