Installation of a defibrillator in the Headbrook area of Kington is in progress.

Installation of a defibrillator in the Headbrook area of Kington is in progress.

Installation of a defibrillator in the Headbrook area of Kington is in progress.
Installation of a defibrillator in the Headbrook area of Kington is in progress.

The piece of life-saving equipment and a cabinet was purchased recently at the same time as a replacement defibrillator was bought for Kington town centre.

The town council gave the clerk authority to spend up to £3,760 for the equipment but town clerk Liz Kelso said the total cost was £1,845.

At a recent meeting Mrs Kelso said: “Installation of the additional defibrillator at the Masonic Hall is in progress but it has not been installed yet.”

Councillor Nicki Cornish asked for the equipment at that end of town after her friend and neighbour had a sudden heart attack and passed away despite efforts to save their life, a year ago.