Shropshire Star

A new brochure, promoting all of the festivals taking place in Kington during 2025, will be created.

A new brochure, promoting all of the festivals and activities taking place in Kington during 2025, will be created.

A new brochure, promoting all of the festivals and activities taking place in Kington during 2025, will be created.
A new brochure, promoting all of the festivals and activities taking place in Kington during 2025, will be created.

Kington Town Council will pull together the brochure with help from local organisations and volunteers.

The booklet will be distributed throughout the region’s tourist information offices and other venues once it is available in the spring.

Funding for the brochure was agreed by Kington Town Council at a recent meeting. 

The calendar of festivals will include the Wheelbarrow Night in June, the Vintage Show in August, the Christmas food festival.

The council agreed to spend £2,500 on the brochure to market the festivals to cover design, printing and distribution costs.

Emma Hancocks from Kington Chamber of Trade who organised last year’s brochure said artist Wayne Summers is happy to design it.

Councillor Elizabeth Banks said Visit Herefordshire have offered a possible grant to fund a brochure and Councillor Buzz Bishop said it would be good to have a Kington Pride event in the future.

Kington Mayor Councillor Philip Sell, and Councillors Judith Gardner and Buzz Bishop offered to help Emma Hancocks and Wayne Summers to create the brochure.

They will attend a meeting with local organisations at the Lion Hub and then report back to the next town council meeting.