A Presteigne charity is celebrating after being awarded a grant to purchase a wheelchair accessible fully electric car and to install a new EV charger

A Presteigne-based charity is celebrating after being awarded a grant to purchase a wheelchair accessible fully electric car and to install a new EV charger

Kim Coles secretarial assistant, Sharon Francis home support officer, Sharon Owen home support senior officer, Caroline Williams home support and Beverley Baynham chief officer with the new electric car.
Kim Coles secretarial assistant, Sharon Francis home support officer, Sharon Owen home support senior officer, Caroline Williams home support and Beverley Baynham chief officer with the new electric car.
A Presteigne-based charity is celebrating after being awarded a grant to purchase a wheelchair accessible fully electric car and to install a new EV charger
A Presteigne-based charity is celebrating after being awarded a grant to purchase a wheelchair accessible fully electric car and to install a new EV charger
The Presteigne-based charity's is new wheelchair accessible fully electric car
The Presteigne-based charity's is new wheelchair accessible fully electric car

East Radnorshire Care, previously known as East Radnorshire Day Centre, says the car will be invaluable for their vital caring work.

Chief officer Beverly Baynham applied for the grant funding from the Shared Prosperity Fund Electric Vehicle (Active Travel) grant scheme through administered through Powys Association of Voluntary Organisations.

They were informed recently that they had been successfully awarded the funding to install a new EV charger and purchase a wheelchair accessible fully electric car.

The charity now provides other services such as East Radnor Home Support, aLunch Club, 24hr Rapid Response to emergencies and more. 

Their goal is to help their clients maintain their independence and achieve their health and wellness goals.

The new car will be used to pick people up to bring them to the centre’s Lunch Club that runs every Monday and Thursday.

It will also be used to collect people to access the bathing service and for delivering the daily meals on wheels.

Beverley Baynham said: “Home Support currently supports 340 members and is funded by Powys County Council through the Regional Integration Fund

“It started as a pilot project in 2018 and has grown to the current service and now is invaluable to its members. 

“The project aim is to provide low level intervention by way of preventative work, to allow people to remain as independent as possible and reduce the need for more formal social services support.”

 Home Support is open to anyone aged 50+ in Presteigne, Knighton and the wider communities and surrounding villages. It is funded by Powys County Council free of charge for those living in Powys

For more information visit www.eastradnorshirecare.co.uk

Sharon Francis Home Support Officer and Sharon Owen Home Support Senior Officer with the new EV charger
Sharon Francis Home Support Officer and Sharon Owen Home Support Senior Officer with the new EV charger