Missing persons, a burglary and domestic incidents have kept Kington police busy in recent weeks

Missing persons, a burglary and domestic incidents have kept Kington police busy in recent weeks

Missing persons, a burglary and domestic incidents have kept Kington police busy in recent weeks
Missing persons, a burglary and domestic incidents have kept Kington police busy in recent weeks

PC Emma Turberfield submitted a report to Kington Town Council recently.

She said in recent weeks there have been three reports of missing persons, all of whom were found safe and well.

There was also a report of a burglary where offenders attempted to gain entry to a garage but nothing was stolen.

MC Turberfield said there had also been three domestic incidents, three anti-social behaviour or neighbour disputes and one report of criminal damage to a vehicle.

Members noted the contents of the report and thanked the officer for submitting it.