Positive steps forward are being made on several Llandrindod Wells Town Council projects, the clerk has said
Positive steps forward are being made on several Llandrindod Wells Town Council projects, the clerk has said

The Town Council has now accepted the lottery grant of £269,050 towards the cost of building a new Skate Park on Princes Avenue.
Town clerk Jane Johnston said she is now working on sourcing additional funding opportunities.
She said she is also expecting the pre-planning application for a 3G football pitch, an important facility for Llandrindod Wells and the surrounding area. She asked residents to give it their full support.
Ms Johnston said: “We are now exploring grant funding opportunities to install a Changing Places Toilet within the Station Crescent toilet block. The Vice Chair and I have met with a contractor and also had a meeting with officials of Mencap who are willing to give us their full support and expertise for this project. Further updates will follow.
“The Town Council has now appointed a self-employed contractor to carry out caretaker works for 10 hours each week until the end of September 2025.
“Jerry Davis has won the contract as self-employed Town Caretaker for Llandrindod Wells, working 10 hours per week until the end of September 2025.
“He started on April 1 2025. He will be tidying up the public areas of the town on behalf of the Town Council. The Town Council is delighted to have Jerry on board.
“A new picnic bench and interpretation sign are shortly to be installed in the Tremont Park Play and Nature Park which have been purchased via grant funding,” she added.