Developers proposing 122 homes in Llandrindod Wells have said they will take on board some of the town council’s suggestions

Developers proposing 122 homes in Llandrindod Wells have said they will take on board some of the town council’s suggestions

Developers proposing 122 homes in Llandrindod Wells have said they will take on board some of the town council’s suggestions
Developers proposing 122 homes in Llandrindod Wells have said they will take on board some of the town council’s suggestions

Hughes Architects held a pre-planning consultation for a residential development of 122 homes on land at Tremont Parc in Llandrindod Wells, with a focus on balancing design elements and sustainability at the start of the year.

A public meeting took place at Ysgol Trefonnen on January 30 and the town council considered the pre-application at its January meeting.

Members felt there was adequate green space and the inclusion of attenuation ponds would assist with any drainage issues.

They appreciated the design incorporating cul-de-sacs and said it was a well put together application, a great template for future developments.

Councillors were pleased with the proportion of affordable housing but said they would like to see the provision of a play area or at least some picnic tables or benches within the site and they hoped footpaths would not be closed.

The council also requested section 106 planning gain monies could be allocated to the town council for a jointly agreed purpose such as the skateboard park project. 

In a response to the council, senior architect Mr Oliver O’Neill thanked the council for their thoughtful feedback and was pleased to note the council’s positive comments about the design, green spaces, attenuation ponds and affordable housing.

He said their request to preserve existing footpaths will be carefully considered in the development plans and they take on board the suggestion for a play or picnic area and will explore how it can be incorporated.

Mr O’Neill said they were open to discussing how section 106 monies could be allocated, a file note will be made and it will be raised directly with the council during the 106 negotiation.

Members noted the positive response and looked forward to hearing more.