Telford teacher releases fifth children's book

A supply teacher is celebrating the release of a new book that's about a mole obsessed with finding shiny things – all linked to a common theme.

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Roy Bradshaw

Marti-Rye the Mole has a Shiny Week (with Friends and HIS Munificent Monocle) is the fifth children’s book published by Roy Bradshaw following on from three books in the Barley’s Biscuit series and one about Mr. B’s Busy-Bea.

Roy Bradshaw: First edit cover

Roy, from Madeley, is a supply teacher in the primary sector, who was inspired for the characters and setting by people living in and around a picturesque little village in Shropshire.

“I tend to listen quite intently when chatting with people, especially local people and ones I consider as friends," said Roy describing his inspiration.

"I like to observe their mannerisms, without being obtrusive, and this often forms the broad basis of a character for a children’s story in my mind – it could be something as simple as a name mentioned or indeed just a place.

"In this book, the setting is based on a piece of wasteland I would often pass on my walks through Shropshire. There were always lots of molehills on it, so I adopted it as Mulch Meadow.

“The names of the characters and places representing Marti-Rye and his friends are derivatives of people and areas I know well and lends a little local interest to the stories, but the village could be anywhere in the world,” he added.

Roy Bradshaw: Illustration

The book has seven chapters, with more than 33,000 words of indulgence with humour in parts and adventure in others.

One early Sunday evening in June, Marti-Rye the Mole chances upon a monocle with a special property – it gives sight, but only to him. He finds a cut-off tin lid shining in the setting sun and this starts his obsession with shiny things.

“Each day represents a different adventure for Marti-Rye and a number of his friends. He’ll do anything to own a shiny thing he spots when out looking," said author Roy.

"His friends can hardly see anything, so they have to help in other ways – which they do. The situations become quite hairy and funny at times and are mostly of his own doing, but to him, a nice new shiny thing is well worth it… even if it may already belong to someone else!”

Marti-Rye the Mole has a Shiny Week (with Friends and HIS Munificent Monocle) has been illustrated by Lisa Williams, published through Media & You and is intended to appeal to young readers between seven and 10 years.

Roy says he is available for school readings of any of his books and would be delighted to hear from anyone interested in arranging those.

These can be arranged through his website or by phone call. He is also available for events interested in book signings or meet the author or even a local fair.

Marti-Rye the Mole has a Shiny Week (with Friends and HIS Munificent Monocle) can be ordered by visiting his website and is available through some outlets local to Madeley.

It is also sold through Amazon and all good book stores, retailing at £9.99.

Anyone can get in touch to arrange a book reading, book signing or sales event through the contact form on his website, via email at or call him directly on his mobile number 07874 706780.