Shropshire Star

More silver crowd surfers

Research from Alliance & Leicester has revealed the over 50s will not only be performing at festivals this summer, four million may also be going.


Festivals may see more silver crowd surfersResearch from Alliance & Leicester has revealed the over 50s will not only be performing at festivals this summer, four million may also be going.

The bank has found a fifth (21 per cent) of those older than 50 like to spend their spare time at gigs, concerts and live events.

And one in six (16 per cent) said they have already performed on stage in front of a large audience.

Emma Walkley, current account manager at Alliance & Leicester said: "Those attending Glastonbury this year will find themselves being entertained by the golden oldies, with Leonard Cohen, Neil Diamond and even Shakin' Stevens making an appearance.

"Not only are the over 50s taking over the line-ups at festivals but they are also making up a large proportion of the crowds - which just goes to show more and more over 50s have ambitions to enjoy exciting challenges and experiences well into later life."

Londoners over 50 are more likely to attend music gigs with a quarter (25 per cent) saying this is how they like to spend their spare time compared to just 14 per cent of those living in the north east.

Women over 50 are more likely to be young at heart than their male counterparts, with nearly a quarter (24 per cent) attending music gigs compared to under a fifth (18 per cent) of men.