Replacement Co-op food store to be built in Shawbury
A replacement Co-op food store is to be built in a Shropshire village.
Plans have been approved to create a new Midcounties Co-operative off Market Drayton Road in Shawbury.
The application proposes the demolition of the existing car sales garage and the building of a new convenience food store on the site.
The existing Co-operative store adjacent would be converted into the store room and ancillary facilities for the new shop.
A statement submitted in support of the application says: "It is proposed to demolish the existing buildings on the site of Simons of Shropshire which include a vehicle workshop and offices, and erect a new convenience food store linked to the existing store, which will remain in operation until the new store is completed.
"Once completed the existing store will have the shopfronts infilled and this will become the back up/storage area for the new store.
"A new car park to accommodate 15 cars is also proposed which utilises the existing vehicle crossover off Market Drayton Road."
A report by Shropshire Council case officer Karen Townend said: "The proposal is for a village shop within the existing village centre and as such is acceptable in principle.
"It is considered that the layout, scale and design of the site is appropriate for retail use and the context of the surrounding site; the level of parking and service delivery space is acceptable; the development will not have an unacceptable detrimental impact on the amenities of the neighbouring properties, ecology, flood risk or drainage."