Shropshire Star

Controversial Whitchurch Aldi plans on the agenda

Aldi's plans for a new supermarket on the outskirts of Whitchurch are set to be discussed at a meeting in the new year.


The controversial plans, earmarked for a site off Wrexham Road, will go before Shropshire Council's north planning committee on January 9 at 2pm.

The scheme, which could create up to 40 permanent full and part-time jobs, has sparked concerns regarding the impact it will have on other businesses in the town.

Lidl, which has a store in the town centre, said it could “cease trading” if Aldi is allowed to build a new supermarket.

But Aldi said it expects business in the town centre to remain strong if it gets planning permission to build the new store.

Both Lidl and Aldi have previously threatened legal action once a decision is given by Shropshire Council.

It has not yet been revealed if Shropshire Council's planning officers are to recommend the plans or not.