Shropshire Star

STEM Challenge 2019: Mark Robinson takes over Shropshire's STEM Challenge

Mark Robinson will see Shropshire Star's 2019 STEM Challenge through to its completion as he takes over from former lead ambassador, Malcolm Eyre.

Mark Robinson conducts his first speech at the STEM Challenge

Having only been appointed to lead the challenge a week ago, the former teacher with years of experience in the design industry said it is projects like this that get him out of bed in the morning.

"Nervous? No. Enthused? Most definitely," Mark said.

"This is such an important thing to be a part of and the outcome will be immeasurable.

"Whether it be students that see an instant benefit, or 10 years down the line say they remember taking part in something that helped them find the right route in life – that to me is what it's all about."

Malcolm and Mark have years of experience working together at Entrust STEM Educational Support, a non-profit making organisation which helps to engage young people in science, technology, engineering and maths.

"Malcolm's been involved in STEM for the last 30 years," he added.

"Just because he's moved on from this area doesn't mean he won't continue to be heavily involved. I still liaise with him on a regular basis and will continue to tap into his experience.

"We bounce off each other's skill sets and I want everyone to be certain that this is something he is passionate about and wants to see a positive outcome from.

"My role now is to make this project successful, it's as simple as that.

"That will include making certain the young people involved take away something from this experience that will inspire them to find some sort of future employment or raise their aspirations to make them know they can achieve whatever goal they want in life.

"Most students I've worked with that struggle is not from a lack of ability, it's from a lack of belief, so hopefully this challenge will shift that mentality."

Mark will spearhead the project through to its finish in July, acting as a link between schools and their mentors and providing support as each project progresses.

While acting as a liaison through the challenge, he will also take on administrational roles to ensure teams can continue to progress.

"I'm excited to be appointed as the lead ambassador for the Shropshire Star's 2019 STEM Challenge," he added.

"I'm aware of some of the outstanding ideas these young people are able to come up with and I'm looking forward to seeing each and every one that surfaces this year."