Event to highlight construction opportunities
Construction companies wanting a bite of the cherry when it comes to winning work on multi-million pound building and development projects across the region are encouraged to attend an event next month.
Building companies, sub-contractors, trades as well as other businesses connected with the construction sector are invited to a Meet the Buyer event on July 15 at The Flaxmill in Shrewsbury.
Business network Shropshire Constructing Excellence (SCE) has organised the free to attend event as a way of bringing together contractors and other businesses to discuss face to face current and future development opportunities.
It comes as millions of pounds is being ploughed into infrastructure projects and business park developments across the Telford, Shrewsbury and wider areas.
Shropshire Council and Telford & Wrekin Council project leaders will speak about opportunities for businesses to bid for public sector contracts, the Construction Industry
Training Board (CITB) will provide information on funding opportunities whilst the National Trust and Construction line have also been confirmed as key speakers at the event.
There will also be a chance for guests to hear from some of the county's larger development and building companies and network with businesses.
SCE Chairman Paul Moran said the Meet the Buyer event was a must attend for anyone working in the sector.
In Telford and across Shropshire there are multiple opportunities for businesses and trades to get involved with development projects and this event is about showcasing those opportunities to companies who can get involved.
“There is a significant amount of investment being ploughed into the county and we want to make sure Shropshire firms are benefiting from this and are able to compete with companies from outside of the county.
"We have a wealth of construction excellence, experience and talent in Shropshire, yet sometimes our own companies are not able to compete with those from outside of the area.”
The event will start at 9.30am with registration, networking and refreshments, followed by presentations from Constructionline, the National Trust and the local authorities.
To register your attendance or to exhibit visit eventbrite.co.uk/e/shropshire-constructing-excellence-presents-meet-the-buyer-tickets-63592852935