Newport care home invests in solar technology to reduce bills
A Shropshire care home has invested in new solar technology.
Faced with ever-rising costs of electricity and the ‘costs’ to the environment, Sambrook House in Newport decided to invest in 44 hi-tech solar panels.
The care home engaged with Geo Green Power, a specialist in commercial renewable energy systems, and after a few months of planning the panels were installed.
Director Neil Robson said: "Over the years we have completed a programme of insulation of the walls and roofs and replacement of all the windows with UPVC, so we saw this as a natural 'next-step’ to reducing costs and our impact on the environment.
“We are blessed with a large south-facing pitched roof which is ideal to capture the sun’s energy.
"The installation is delivering significant savings. We use a lot of electricity throughout the day and I knew that we would use everything the system generated, off-setting what we purchased from the grid.
“As at the beginning of February we have generated 6.5MWh of electricity which has saved a staggering 1.66 tons of carbon dioxide from going into the atmosphere.”
Gill Gannon, care manager, said: “It will be around five years before Sambrook House recoups its initial investment costs, but looking at the environment it is great to know you are having such a positive impact.”
The care home is now looking into the viability of air source heat pumps as an environmentally-friendly alternative to heating oil consumption.
Mr Robson added: “Although there are no Government grants or incentives, I would certainly encourage every medium to large consumer of electricity to look into this.
"There is a payback, but almost more importantly there is also a huge ‘feel-good’ factor, knowing you are playing your part to reduce carbon emissions – invest now for all our futures."