College signs up to deliver new Kickstart jobs scheme

Telford College has signed up to become a ‘gateway’ for the Government’s new Kickstart scheme, which is providing fully-subsidised job opportunities for young people.


Chancellor Rishi Sunak unveiled the scheme as part of the Government’s Plan for Jobs, pledging £2 billion to create new, fully subsidised jobs for young people.

As a gateway for the service, Telford College is seeking to use its expertise and connections to sign up employers, and help them access the financial support which is available.

Beckie Bosworth, Telford College’s employer engagement manager, said: “We’ve already had a number of positive responses from our business connections, who can see the real benefits of this scheme.

“If you are looking to grow your business or get it moving again after a difficult few months, this is a fantastic opportunity – we’d urge people to get in touch with us, to find out more.”

Companies can use the Kickstart scheme to create new job placements for any young people who are at risk of long-term unemployment.

The funding available covers 100 per cent of a company’s relevant National Minimum Wage for 25 hours a week.

It also takes care of the associated employer National Insurance contributions, and employer minimum automatic enrolment contributions to a pension scheme.

Each Kickstart placement lasts for six months, with the scheme being delivered until December 2021. Once their placement is complete, Telford College can support the young person with further training.

Other training opportunities can be added, through the Telford college team, to support this programme so that candidates can gain additional qualifications to further their skills.

Beckie said: “Companies signing up to this scheme will be able to access a large pool of young people who have real potential, and are ready for an opportunity.

“For organisations creating fewer than 30 Kickstart opportunities, Telford College can act as a gateway, supporting you to benefit from the scheme, and help you access the financial support which is available.”