Shropshire Star

Surge in visitor numbers as shoppers flock back to high streets across Shropshire

Shopping centres and high streets across the county have seen a huge surge in visitor numbers over the past week as Covid lockdown restrictions eased.

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The Armoury in Shrewsbury, which has been able to add extra tables outside along Victoria Quay, was full all weekend

Footfall in Shrewsbury town centre out-performed the national average as shoppers returned to support their local traders in the first week of reopening.

According to data captured by Springboard on behalf of Shrewsbury BID, footfall in the town was at its highest since the pandemic began – 17 per cent above the national average for town centres.

Seb Slater, executive director of Shrewsbury BID, said the numbers were encouraging.

He said: “It was a really good first week back. It certainly felt vibrant in the town centre, without feeling overcrowded, which is exactly what we were hoping for.

“Footfall was 18 per cent lower than the same period two years ago, whereas the national average was 35 per cent lower.

“It’s encouraging that once again Shrewsbury is out-performing the national average when it comes to footfall, which demonstrates that the town centre is still a very popular destination for shoppers and visitors.

“Our members reported brisk trading throughout the week, which bodes well for a good summer ahead.”

Last Monday, Shrewsbury’s Darwin Shopping Centre saw a six per cent rise in visitor numbers compared to the equivalent day in 2019.

Shropshire Council said footfall numbers had risen by several hundred at the shopping centre to almost 12,000.


The authority said its car parks had also been very busy across the county over the past week.

A council spokesman said: "This was certainly reflected over the weekend.

“We are delighted to see people coming back to our high streets and behaving sensibly and in line with all coronavirus restrictions."

Telford Centre also reported a rise in shoppers last week to the delight of bosses.

Glynn Morrow, centre manager, said: "Our best comparison for opening day, due to our £50m redevelopment programme that was taking place in 2019, are the four main entrances to the centre which recorded footfall growth on Monday of an 8.8 per cent rise year on year.

"Footfall has continued to outperform both regional and national benchmarks all week and reflects how eager people are to be back out and shopping with Telford outperforming other high streets by as much as 33 per cent and Springboard national benchmark by 23 per cent.

"It’s a fantastic result for our stores and we look forward to further increases when the catering offer can fully reopen on May 17."

Adele Nightingale, manager of Oswestry BID, said visitor numbers in the town centre jumped from 5,710 on April 5 to 12,347 on April 12 – the day non-essential shops were allowed to reopen.

She said: "It's made a real difference. There's more places for people to go, shops are open again and the weather has helped. Pubs and cafes have been busy and many places you've had to book.

"There's been a real feeling of bounce back. Let's hope it continues and we ask people to shop locally where they can."

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