Shropshire Star

Next generation of Telford entrepreneurs unveiled at awards ceremony

The next generation of high street entrepreneurs in Telford and Wrekin were unveiled at an awards ceremony at Wrekin College.


The new Futures MBA course in business, delivered by Wrekin College and sponsored by Telford & Wrekin Council, has seen 99 young people, aged between 15 and 18, participating in a free three-week pilot course.

The intensive course focussed on entrepreneurship and employability skills and was supported by several well-known business brands.

The graduation event, which took place on Tuesday, celebrated the success of the young people who completed the challenging course.

Councillor Lee Carter, cabinet member for neighbourhood, commercial services & regeneration at Telford & Wrekin Council, said: “We have been delighted and impressed by the ability and enthusiasm of the young people of Telford and Wrekin who have taken part in this programme.

“We sponsored this fantastic opportunity in recognition of the disruption that they have suffered during the pandemic.

"We also wanted to encourage them to contribute ideas to regenerate our high streets.

“The results have been better than we could have hoped, displaying the talent and imagination of our next generation of high street entrepreneurs.

"At the same time we have been able to help provide them with an experience that will help them get ahead and learn skills that will give them a great start whatever route they decide to take after school.”

The Futures MBA course was targeted at youngsters aged 15 to 18 as they had their key exam years disrupted by the coronavirus pandemic and three national lockdowns.

The graduation ceremony saw teams awarded prizes for overall best project, most creative idea and best teamwork, with engagement prizes for two individual students.

The team prizes awarded experience events to the winners as well as £25 Amazon gift cards.

For the individual prize winners, one took home a Microsoft Surface Pro and the other a laptop, backpack and a 15-month subscription to Microsoft Office 365.

In the wake of the Futures MBA programme a LinkedIn mentors' group is being created for all the students to help them develop their ideas and future career paths.

This will connect the youngsters with MBA role models at business universities.

The latest programme builds on the success of a mini-MBA run by Wrekin College for its students last year when exams were cancelled amid the pandemic, which attracted more than 60 youngsters who volunteered to take part.

Wrekin’s Business School partnered with Telford College and leading Midlands employer Capgemini to run the latest programme, sponsored by Telford & Wrekin Council.