Shropshire Star

£4.8m to be invested into high streets across Telford and Wrekin

Almost £5 million will be invested into high streets across the borough of Telford over the next two years.

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Telford & Wrekin Council plans to invest £4.8m into the borough’s high streets, with work on phase three of its nationally acclaimed Pride in Our High Streets programme now under way.

The programme, which includes a focus on regenerating the high streets of Dawley, Madeley, Ironbridge and Newport, will see the introduction of high street 'place plans' which will aim to tackle the issues that are impacting on each area.

The plans will reflect the different roles of each high street, whether they are local community ‘hubs’ to larger centres attracting visitors from further afield.

The investment will also support initiatives such as new marketing opportunities, with further announcements due to be made in the coming weeks.

Councillor Lee Carter, Telford & Wrekin Council's cabinet member for neighbourhood, commercial and regeneration, said: “Phase two of the programme saw us commit £2.2m to a range of innovative high street initiatives including a programme of façade improvements, engagement initiatives with the younger generation of entrepreneurs, and a raft of ‘revive and thrive’ business grants supporting local high street businesses to launch or diversify, creating more than 160 local high street jobs.

"As a direct result, we are seeing more residents enjoying our high streets.

“Recognising the achievements of previous phases, the next phase of Pride in Our High Streets will expand on those successful initiatives as well as launching new campaigns.

“Place plans will play a significant part in shaping each borough town’s future by informing investment priorities.

"Fundamentally, they will aim to make each a more attractive destination for residents and visitors whilst also addressing town centre problems such as anti-social behaviour by linking with other council initiatives such as our safer stronger communities programme.

“As a council, our vision is to protect, care and invest to create a better borough.

"By investing this £4.8m across our borough high streets, we’re helping make our borough town centres vibrant places where residents want to be.

“Everyone in our borough towns should be able to take pride in their high street – so that’s what we’re working to deliver.”