Shropshire Star

Shropshire travel agent optimistic as Covid restrictions ease

A Shropshire travel agency says there is hope for the sector as confidence returns to the hard-hit holiday industry following the easing of Covid travel rules.

A person is swabbed at a drive-through coronavirus testing site. Photo: Jonathan Brady/PA Wire

According to Drovers Travel, in Bishop's Castle, which has recently launched a New Year travel campaign, destinations such as Greece and Spain have been popular with customers looking for some sun in 2022, after a long period of uncertainty around travelling abroad.

Grant Perry, owner at Drovers Travel, said: “After an extremely difficult couple of years for our business, we are so pleased to have hopefully turned a corner. Since we don’t make a profit until customers complete their holidays, we rely heavily on the continuation of travel for the livelihood of our business and for our job security.

“From our recent sales figures, we have seen travel trends in all-inclusive holidays and cruise becoming popular, with customers increasingly choosing destinations such as the Mediterranean for their 2022 holidays.

"So far bookings have mostly been for the months of May and June and we’re looking forward to helping more customers achieve their New Year travel dreams.”

It is welcome news following a tough 20 months for the business, which has been operating for 14 years.

Earlier this month it launched a marketing campaign encouraging customers to have ‘A Fresh Perspective’ on holidays this year, as restrictions ease and consumer confidence for overseas travel returns.

Drovers Travel is a member of The Travel Network Group, which represents more than 1,200 travel businesses.

Gary Lewis, chief executive of The Travel Network Group said: “The travel industry has faced huge difficulties these last two years, so in light of the recent positive announcements from Government we are hopeful and remain optimistic for 2022.

“We want to ensure all our members, including Drovers Travel, have the right tools to engage with their customers and gain bookings for this year and beyond."