Shropshire Star

Shropshire security firm makes the move to Newport Innovation Park

An expanding security firm has made the move to a new base in Shropshire.

Newport Innovation Park, Newport

Yellow Hat Security Solutions Ltd, which was founded five years ago, has a new base at Ni.PARK in Newport.

The growing company has already laid firm foundations with the farming community after developing a series of solar powered K9 security solutions which act as CCTV systems in fields and other remote rural spots.

It has undergone a period of considerable expansion in the last two years and needed extra space to cope with the increased demand for its products.

As an Ni.PARK tenant, the business will benefit from knowledge exchange with Harper Adams University and other project partners and is forging new connections with agri-tech firms already based at the site.

Ben Winston, Sales & Technical Development Director at Yellow Hat Security Solutions, said: “Our business has grown substantially over the last few years and we needed more space.

“We’ve been working really hard on developing our sustainable solutions and finding somewhere like Ni.PARK that really encourages that side of things, was a big attraction for us.

“Ultimately, the park supports our company ethos of the importance of research and development. We’ve been working closely with the rural community on supporting their security needs, primarily our K9 systems.

“Farming and agriculture can be a real challenge as there are no plug sockets in the middle of a field for a traditional security system. We’ve developed K9 as a solution for that which is powered by solar.”

The K9 tower is a solar powered, all terrain, fully mobile CCTV tower which is incredibly robust and capable of withstanding strong gusts of wind in excess of 75mph.

Yellow Hat’s newest product is the K9 Air which can be fitted onto any cherry picker or crane to give operators the widest viewing angle possible.

The high visibility is managed through Yellow Hat’s control room which enables cameras to be positioned at the perfect angle for each site.

Yellow Hat believe their range of projects can really help farms and agri-tech firms who need to up their security game by protecting property, assets and livestock and deterring theft, trespass and fly-tipping.

Councillor Lee Carter, Telford & Wrekin Council’s Cabinet Member for Neighbourhood Services, Regeneration and the High Street, said: “Ni.PARK is a community for agri-tech businesses, as well as those that can support the agriculture sector with their products and services.

“Yellow Hat Security Solutions is committed to supporting businesses which all have one common goal – to make Ni.PARK a centre of excellence for the agri-tech industry.

“It’s fantastic to see the uptake in units at Ni.PARK and the number of businesses which have moved to the site because of its prime location and agri-tech focus.”

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