Shropshire Star

More legal firms in Shropshire forced to close after regulators step in

More law firms in Shropshire have been closed down as part of a regulator's huge intervention into what was a major player in the legal profession.

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Terry Jones Solicitors, a part of the giant Telford-based Metamorph Group Ltd, has been joined by closures at Linder Myers Solicitors, Shrewsbury; Donnelly & Elliott Solicitors, Telford, and SLC Solicitors, also in Shrewsbury.

All the firms have the same note on their websites saying they have been closed by the Solicitors Regulation Authority. It adds: "For further information please call 0113 227 0385 or email"

Across the whole Metamorph Group, hundreds of jobs are understood to be at risk. Its website claims to have more than 15 offices, with more than 650 professionals and servicing 50,000 clients each year.

Gordons LLP of New Augustus Street, Bradford, has been appointed by the Solicitor's Regulation Authority as its intervention agent to help with the closure of these firms.

A spokesman for Gordons LLP said: "MLL Ltd, BPL Solicitors Ltd, Beaumont ABS Ltd and Atray Ltd were closed by the Solicitors Regulation Authority (‘SRA’) on December 14 2022. This is called an intervention.

"Separately Knowles Benning LLP and Knight Polson Limited were closed by the SRA on December 19 2022.


"These businesses traded under the names below and were all part of Metamorph Group Ltd: Terry Jones Solicitors, Linder Myers Solicitors, Donnelly & Elliott Solicitors, SLC Solicitors, Verisona Law, Beaumont Legal, RJW Legal, Knowles Benning and Knight Polson."

The closure means that the firms cannot act for any clients be it for criminal, civil or conveyancing.

Gordons LLP says: "You will need to find another lawyer to act. Gordons are not acting for you."

It adds that people can find a lawyer by searching at or call The Law Society on 020 7320 5650 Monday to Friday from 09am to 5pm.

The SRA is collecting all clients’ files and documents from the firms’ offices for safekeeping Gordons LLP says it cannot give a timescale for when this process will be complete.

"If one of the firms have been acting for you on something which is ongoing and your file has been recovered, the SRA will write to tell you and ask where you want your file to be sent," Gordons LLP adds.

"You or your new lawyer should let Gordons know quickly where you want your file to be sent as there might be important time limits. You or your new lawyer can let us know at

You might be able to help your new solicitors to make progress for you without your file by sending them any correspondence/documents you received before the intervention. They may also be able to get information directly from any other solicitors/organisations involved in the case.

"If a file has been recovered for you, you can have this sent to you or to your new lawyer.

"If there are two or more of you named as clients, you will need to agree where the file should be sent. If you want your file to be sent to you, you will need to provide some copy identification. It won’t cost you anything to have your documents sent."

* Have you been affected by the closures? Please email to talk to a reporter.

Q&A by Gordons LLP for people affected

What’s happened to my Will?

We understand that QS Legal Ltd acquired the wills stored by all of the firms other than Knight Polson before the intervention. You will need to contact them if you want to recover a will. Their contact details are:

Tel: 0808 145 3395


All wills held by Knight Polson have been collected by the SRA. If you want to get hold of your will which was stored by Knight Polson please contact the SRA at:

Tel: 02476 339250


What’s happened to my house deeds/power of attorney/other original documents?

All deeds and other original documents held in storage by the firms are being collected by the SRA. If you want to get hold of deeds/original documents please contact the SRA at:

Tel: 02476 339250


There is a large volume of house deeds and the SRA will be dealing with lots of requests, so it may be quicker for you to get hold of the information you want online.

In most cases, deeds (i.e. evidence of property ownership) are now stored electronically at the Land Registry. You can find out more about this here:

My solicitor is holding money for me. What should I do?

The accounts of the firms are now closed and no payments can be made from them. While we/the SRA will be working to identify and contact those who are beneficially entitled to money in these accounts, this is likely to take several months. In the meantime, we can’t send money to you.

If you wish to claim money held on your behalf urgently, you can make a claim to the SRA’s Compensation Fund. Details of how to claim can be found here: The SRA’s Compensation Fund will consider each claim with regard to its rules. We can’t guarantee the outcome of any claims made.

You may need to provide evidence/documents to the Compensation Fund to help with your application. If you can provide this when you submit your application it will help the Compensation Fund to investigate your claim more quicky.

Guidance on what to include in your application can be found here:

I was an employee of the intervened firms, what can I do?

We understand this is a difficult time for you. Our role is however solely focused on the protection of clients and assisting them in whatever way we can. We are not a representative of or successor practice to the firms. We are therefore unable to deal with issues relating to your employment. We suggest you seek independent legal advice. The links below may also help:

How can I get more information?

You can: speak to Gordons on 0113 227 0385 (Monday to Friday 09:00 – 17:30). You can leave a message outside office hours and we will call you back as soon as possible.

email your query to Gordons at

find out more about interventions at the SRA’s website