Shropshire Star

Lime Green Products Ltd invests in its apprentice and training programmes in Shropshire

A manufacturer is investing in its team and its technical capabilities as it expands, fuelling Shropshire’s construction talent growth.

Apprentice Callum

Lime Green Products Ltd has been investing in its apprentice and training programmes, alongside the redevelopment of its plant – representing over £2m investment – to offer new opportunities to local people.

Currently, more than 50% of the Lime Green team are undergoing, or shortly starting, apprentices and industry training courses to develop their construction skillsets.

“This investment reflects our desire to raise the profile of construction materials that are made in the United Kingdom,” says Simon Ayres, co-founder and managing director, Lime Green Products.

“The amount of imported materials in the UK construction industry is frightening, and it’s increasing, despite the fact that rising prices and the carbon footprint of these materials means looking locally is much more efficient.

"We’re always looking to source materials as much as we can locally, and we do the same when we’re looking for new employees.

“Investing in our team’s training is critical to growing local talent, which will support our growth ambitions long into the future,” continues Simon.

“All of our apprentices are local to the area, and we prioritise courses with local training providers – including Telford College and AGL Training Ltd. It’s all about investing in and upskilling the local area.

“Looking forward, it’s not just about what our apprentices are doing now, but also about what they can go on to achieve. One great example of that is Toseef, who completed his level 2 in Performing Manufacturing Operations, before being promoted and beginning work towards his team leader supervisor level 3 course.

“We’ve also got experienced team members with no formal qualifications, who feel inspired by the culture of learning throughout the business and have opted to start college courses after 10 years in the business.”

Many of Lime Green’s job roles are highly technical and specialist.

“Our research and development apprentices – Rachael and Callum – work closely with our chemist on specialist product developments, so we can continue to advance our product portfolio with lime materials that meet industry trends and solve our clients’ problems,” added Simon.

“As part of that, they’re continually learning to apply practical skills, enabling them to use highly-technical testing equipment to record and report results that ensure robust product quality assurance.

“All of our team members are actively encouraged to consider new training and development opportunities,” he added.

“We’re a relatively small team, so the knowledge and skills external training brings to our business is invaluable.

“With a family-feel to our culture, we’re always looking to build long-term futures with our apprentices. Although some go on to incredible opportunities that would never have been possible before, many choose to develop with us over long periods of time.”

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