Shropshire Star

Company's mission to help boost cave team's rescue skills in Shropshire and Staffordshire

A leading safety company is working alongside the Midlands Cave Rescue Organisation to ensure the team is ready for any life-saving duties they face.


Members of the MRCO are undertaking regular rescue training to maintain their skill levels and Arco, an industry leader in safety training and services, is allowing the organisation to use its state-of-the-art training facilities at no cost.

Arco Professional Safety Services team members, who are also MCRO volunteers, deliver training and provided expert advice and guidance to the other MCRO members in attendance.

Last month, 22 members of the MRCO attended Arco’s Eccleshall Safety Training Centre to take part in emergency first aid refresher training, including guidance on the use of new equipment and a rescue training exercise.

In addition, Arco has also sponsored the MCRO by providing them with branded team polo shirts for when they are on business.

Jamie Sadler, Commercial Director at Arco Professional Safety Services, said: “As a responsible choice of safety partner, Arco is committed to supporting the communities we call home, including providing support to life-saving groups, like the MCRO.

“Our safety experts are some of the leading professionals in their field and many of them dedicate their spare time outside of the business volunteering with search and rescue organisations.

“Supporting the MCRO with a venue and training facilities as well as the benefit of our instructors’ time, knowledge and expertise is a small way that Arco can give back and to ensure that we keep people safe.”

Mike Clayton, Chairman of the Midlands Cave Rescue Organisation and Equipment Manager at Arco Professional Safety Services, said: “The MCRO is regularly called upon to assist lost and injured people in caves all over the West Midlands, Shropshire and beyond.

“Even though we are a voluntary organisation, it is vitally important that we keep up-to-date with skills development to ensure we can respond to any emergency.

“The support, sponsorship and co-operation we get from Arco ensures that we can be as effective as possible and ready for when the next call comes.”