Shropshire Star

Bradford Green backs heritage plans to help restore biodiversity

A wholesale native wildflower seed supplier on the Shropshire-Staffordshire border has welcomed plans to establish 100 wildflower meadows at historic sites to celebrate the King’s coronation.

Bradford Green wildflower seeds support biodiversity

Bradford Green, a start-up business based at Bradford Estates, produces high-quality sustainable wildflower seed to be used by private, public and charitable organisations, as well the general public for a range of biodiversity projects and wildflower plantings.

And director, Bethan Pugh, hailed English Heritage’s dedicated King’s Coronation Meadows plan and called for further restoration of the country’s lost flower-rich grasslands.

“Our ancient meadows drastically declined after World War Two," she said. "We’ve lost 97 per cent over 70 years which has had a hugely detrimental impact on the wildlife these habitats sustain."

Bradford Green Director Bethan Pugh

"Thankfully, there is growing recognition of wildflowers’ multiple benefits. Reinstating meadows is a great way to create a lasting and positive legacy for future generations.

“However, it’s important to remember, no matter how much space you have, you can make a difference.

"Anyone can help prioritise the natural world by establishing flower-rich spaces. The key is to source native wildflower seed which has been produced as sustainably as possible, right here in the UK,” she added.

Creating flourishing natural spaces that support pollinators and other wildlife depends on having the highest concentration of native wildflower species to attract bees and other insects.

“I hope English Heritage’s visitors will be inspired by the meadows this summer and make their own contribution to reversing biodiversity loss in the UK as a result,” added Ms Pugh.

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