Shropshire Star

Telford shines in European business start-up rankings

Telford & Wrekin Council is celebrating huge success after the borough came third in the European Top Business Start-up rankings.

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Tim Luft and Nigel Birch from European Innovation Ltd

StartupBlink, a global research centre has recognised Telford as one of the biggest movers in its Global Index 2023, thanks to the hard work and creativity of local entrepreneurs.

The council attributes the success to substantial investment into creating a supportive and vibrant business start-up scene in Telford over the last five years.

The momentum continues with the recent launch of Thrive Telford Business Start-Up Service earlier this year, introduced by Invest Telford, the council’s in-house businesses support and inward investment team.

The service being delivered by Tim Luft and Nigel Birch from European Innovation Ltd, has received over 80 enquiries since launch in early August, a third of which have already been supported directly.

The first group of new businesses have completed and are already making their mark in the business world. Illustrating the inventive spirit of local entrepreneurs a huge range of business ideas have come forward from innovative transportation apps to high quality commercial and branding imagery services and new approaches to mental health and wellbeing training.

Mr Luft Director at European Innovation Ltd added: "With the next start-up cohort about to begin, we are excited about the amount of interest and enquiries, indicating even more success for Telford's start-ups.

"Telford is a hub for business excellence and it’s great to see this being recognised at an international level. We plan to do all we can to maintain this trajectory."

Councillor Lee Carter, Telford & Wrekin Council’s cabinet member for place (the economy & neighbourhood services), said: "We are dedicated to supporting start-ups, and this recognition shows the commitment of local entrepreneurs and the community's support."

Entrepreneurs looking to embark on their own business journey, are invited to explore this fully-funded service that features a mix of one-to-one business mentoring sessions and a host of dedicated business workshops.

Delivered by Telford & Wrekin Council with the UK Shared Prosperity Fund,it is part of a £5.8m programme that will help people secure local jobs or get closer to employment as well as supporting businesses to start, grow and innovate.

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