Wellington businesses looking to the future at meeting

Wellington businesses and organisations are set to come together to discuss future plans.


An event, on January 24, will involve a wide selection of businesses from throughout the town, as well as the local policing team, Love Wellington and Safe Places Shropshire.

Sally Themans, of Love Wellington, who organises the meetings, said: “Networking with other businesses in the town is so valuable.

"Just in the last three months we have provided free social media training for local businesses and the spirit of collaboration has given rise to great projects – such as the successful and fun Wellington Christmas advert, featuring 24 local businesses.”

The meeting will be held at 6.30 at The Boardroom Gaming Café in the centre of Wellington.

Tony Nicholls, of Anthony’s Farmshop of Wellington, said: “Goodwill and prosperity go hand in hand. When businesses, particularly of a small, local nature, start to collaborate and make a show of doing so, goodwill from customers is significantly increased.

“This is both in a financial sense and good feeling which creates vibrance, excitement and positivity in Wellington.

"This upward spiral seems to have energy of its own and leads to events like our BBQ last summer at the Pheasant pub, which leave a positive indelible mark in people’s memories which inspires them to make a choice to shop/frequent the local places they had that great experience.

“There is a proven range of benefits of working together for everyone in any society and we look forward to some positive partnership events in 2024.”