Shropshire Star

Harper Adams student bags award – and role with major supermarket chain

A fascination with dairy has led an award-winning Harper Adams student to a graduate role with a major supermarket chain.

Grace Brown with Ken Sloan, of Harper Adams

BSc (Hons) Food Technology and Product Development student Grace Brown first found herself thinking about where her food came from as a small child when living on her family's farm.

While at Harper Adams, she has steadily worked towards her career goals, securing a placement with the National Farmers’ Union as well as both Scholarships and awards.

With a compulsory industry placement year an integral part of most Harper Adams undergraduate degrees, Grace was determined to use hers to build her understanding of the food supply industry – and secured a role at the heart of one of the country’s leading agricultural institutions, the NFU

She said: “I completed my placement at the NFU headquarters in Warwickshire within their Food Business Unit.

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