Shropshire Star

Proposed business park in 'optimal' town location could create more than 400 jobs

Plans to build a new commercial park on the outskirts of a north Shropshire town have been lodged.

The site of a proposed business and commercial park and haulage yard in Shawbury Road, Wem (Planning portal)

If approved, the outline scheme would create over three hectares of new commercial, industrial and warehousing plots in Wem alongside a new hauliers yard on land between Shawbury Road and the railway line.

The site is located just outside the existing development boundary for the town, but has been allocated for future employment uses in the existing Shropshire Council development plan.

According to applicants Mr and Mrs T Rutter, the new development could potentially create up to 420 permanent full-time jobs once fully occupied.

"The application seeks to provide a responsive and flexible supply of employment land and premises comprising a range and choice of sites in to meet the need of existing and new business, with investment in infrastructure to support its development and help to rebalance and revitalise Wem," said a supporting statement submitted with the application.

"The site is accessible, located at the optimal location for the town, and the plots would be of a range of sizes, with a planning consent that is flexible enough to allow the relocation of local businesses as well as providing space for other local economic development as these needs emerge."

The scheme includes the development of the development of a hauliers yard with associated workshops and offices, which would allow an existing business in the town to relocate from a nearby site.

The outline plans for the wider site include planning uses of Class E, business and commercial, B2 general industrial and B8 warehousing, along with dedicated emergency vehicle and pedestrian access points.

"The yard will meet the needs of the applicant's existing business and to future proof their plans for its future expansion. A building containing two bay HGV maintenance facility with offices, welfare facilities and parking of up to twenty HGVs and for the private vehicles of drivers, office staff, customers and visitors.

"The early development of the haulier’s yard would serve to open the development plots in the northern area of the site.

"Consequently, a full range of site areas would be accessible from an early stage so that prospective occupiers seeking to locate at Wem would not be prevented from doing so by a lack of land of suitable size.

"If required, all plots could be readily subdivided for release in response to demand as it arises."

The statutory consultation period closes on Thursday, August 15 after which Shropshire Council will decide on the plans in due course.