Shropshire Star

Shropshire Business Talk: Protecting your most precious assets

Regardless of size or sector of your business, protecting your most precious assets – employees, premises, and valuables – is of the highest priority.

Mark Garner

Unfortunately, it’s not something that all businesses have at the top of their agenda.

And with the current cost-of-living crisis continuing to have an impact on organisations everywhere, even those who have prioritised it previously, are now seeking ways to further reduce their outgoings.

Mark Garner, General Manager at Shropshire-based Business Watch Guarding Ltd, says companies, even in this current cost-cutting environment, shouldn’t be overlooking the very real value of investing in security solutions.

Instead he believes they should be asking themselves – can I afford to be without it, should the worst happen?

“Without adequate security provisions in place, companies – including their contents and its people – are at risk," he said.

"As well as placing employees in a potentially dangerous position, security breaches are bad for business too.

"They can cause a loss of income, reduce staff productivity, impact continuity, increase insurance premiums and damage reputation.

“With lone working and flexible hours rising, there’s a greater vulnerability for staff who are required to open or lock up alone.

"Or for key holders who are expected to attend alarms in the middle of the night, unbeknown what they might be walking into…

“While many businesses do have modern, high-tech CCTV systems installed at their premises, these do have a number of flaws which can leave businesses vulnerable. For example, they have blind spots and so can’t monitor every area, and data can be deleted or tampered with.

"And, while CCTV can view, record, and alert unsolicited movement, it’s unable to act or do anything about it – meaning these systems are best placed as part of a holistic package.

“For organisations to appropriately and entirely ensure they promote a safe and secure working environment, they should seek advice, guidance, and support from external security providers. Partnering with experts who offer wide-reaching knowledge and experience allows for a truly comprehensive service and for a bespoke security solutions plan to be established which meets personal business needs (and bridges any security gaps) – everything from key-holding and alarm response through to on-the-ground security guards.”

For more information about the services available or how you can ensure your most precious assets are wholly protected, visit

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