Shropshire Star

Urgent appeal issued on behalf of food bank in Leominster

A foodbank has put out a desperate call for items for the most vulnerable members of the community.

Last updated
Foodbanks. Photo: Andy Buchanan/PA Wire

Leominster food bank is in need of tinned meats, tinned vegetables, cereals, pasta sauce, soup, coffee, tea and soft drinks as well as other household items such as cleaning products.

PCSO Stephanie Harper, at Leominster police, has issued an appeal on behalf of the foodbank.

PCSO Harper said: Leominster Food bank are desperately in need of a items for the most vulnerable members of our community. Times are hard for many at the moment but especially around Christmas time.

"Even just donating one item can make a difference to a family in need."

The food bank currently need: Tinned meats, tinned veg, tinned tuna, cereal, pasta sauce, soup, coffee, tea, fruit juice/squash, ketchup, ketchup, mayo, gravy granules, biscuits, toiletries, and cleaning products

For an up to date list of items in need, you can also check out

They also need sturdy shopping bags to put items into for the recipients.

Items can be left at Leominster Co op, Morrison or can be taken to the food bank during opening hours.

It meets at the Old Priory, Leominster, next door to the YHA Youth Hostel and behind Leominster Priory Church.

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