Shropshire Star

Warm packs created for vulnerable residents in Market Drayton amid cost of living crisis

Staff at a community hub in Shropshire have put together a set of 'warm packs' to support vulnerable residents through the cold months.

Warm packs have been created for vulnerable residents in Market Drayton

This kind-hearted gesture comes as people living in Shropshire and across the UK continue to grapple with rising energy and food costs.

Figures by analyst Kantur has recently reported that grocery price inflation has hit a record 16.7 per cent to add a potential £788 to annual shopping bills.

Meanwhile, households face spiralling energy bills, as it was revealed the average county household is paying almost twice as much as last winter.

Warm packs have been created for vulnerable residents in Market Drayton

The Marches Academy Trust, which operates The Zone community hub in Market Drayton, alongside Market Drayton Town Council, has put together the packs as a 'little gesture' to support residents.

While The Zone is operating as a warm space from 9am to 1pm on Mondays to Thursdays, the warm packs will include a crochet blanket, gloves, cup-a-soup, teabags, biscuits and some advice on how to keep warm when people are at home.

Warm packs have been created for vulnerable residents in Market Drayton

Lisa Jackson, community engagement officer at The Marches Academy Trust said: "We have created these packs as we wanted to give a little back to our community.

"Times are tough and we have had some really cold spells. We thought these packs, even though just a little gesture would put a smile on someone's face as well as providing some advice to keep warm."

Some members of The Zone's craft workshop nominated local residents to receive a pack and four have also been donated to the Christians Against Poverty branch in Market Drayton – in association with Market Drayton Methodist Church – for them to give out to their members.