Shropshire Star

Cost of living roadshow to visit communities close to south Shropshire

Communities close to the south Shropshire border will be visited by a roadshow that aims to help people who are struggling to make ends meet during the cost of living crisis.


The cost of living roadshow will be visiting Leominster Corn Square on Friday March 24 and Kington community market, on Friday April 21.

Herefordshire’s cost of living roadshow follows a recent newspaper report stating a quarter of households regularly run out of money for essentials. It goes on to say that nearly 40 per cent of people end the month with no money left, while 24 per cent run out of cash for essentials either most months or most days.

Essentials like food have seen some of the biggest rises. Last month, leading data, insights and consulting company Kantar reported that grocery price inflation went above 17 per cent for the first time.

Councillor Pauline Crockett, the council's cabinet member for health and adult wellbeing, says: “It’s a real shame it’s come to this - a cost of living roadshow in 2023.

"It’s a result of soaring prices that mean many families have to make really painful choices just to manage. Food or fuel, heat or eat… whatever phrase you use it glosses over the fact that some of our residents are cold and hungry.

"The roadshow events will bring people together with a warm welcome to guide them on what’s available to them.

"They’ll find out what they can do to manage a little better and we’ll help ensure people are claiming whatever benefits they’re entitled to. The team has worked really hard on this and I feel sure the events will bring some comfort to people who really need it.”

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