Shropshire Star

Shropshire builder spared jail over sale of used Audi

A self-employed builder from a village near Bridgnorth forged the service history of a faulty Audi before selling it on eBay for more than double the price he bought it for, a court heard.


Carol Jones, from Dawley Bank in Telford, snapped up the A3 car for what she thought was a bargain £1,100 on February 12 this year after answering an appealing ad posted by Russell Evans.

The 24-year-old claimed he had bought it new but was 'regrettably' selling it with a heavy heart after being given a company car.

But Telford Magistrates Court yesterday heard Mrs Jones found a receipt left in the car which revealed he had actually bought the car just a couple of weeks before the sale for £450.

She was unable to start the car and was hit by a repair bill of nearly £800.

And closer examination of the logbook exposed the fact he had created his own stamp and stamped the books himself.

Evans, of Stonehouse Court, Highley, admitted fraud and to driving while disqualified and driving without insurance.

Mr Steven Meredith, for Evans, said his client needed money quick to put down for a deposit on his current home in Highley.

Magistrates sentenced Evans to six months in prison but suspended the term for two years.

He was also ordered to complete 240 hours of unpaid work, banned from driving for 20 months and ordered to pay £1,000 compensation to Mrs Jones. He must also pay costs of £220.