Shropshire Star

Spate of 12 Shropshire burglaries in two days linked by police

A spate of 12 burglaries in Shropshire are being linked, with police revealing they think the same gang is responsible.


All 12 burglaries took place last Thursday and Friday, with properties in Market Drayton, Pontesbury, Minsterley, Bayston Hill, and Cheswardine being targeted.

Detective Inspector Sarah Wagstaff of Shrewsbury CID said the burglars had focused on jewellery and cash, and that all properties struck had been empty at the time.

She has warned people to be vigilant and to take steps to ensure they do not make it easier for burglars to get into their property.

She said: "Generally lately the burglary figures have been very low, however, since last week we have had certainly 12 that we are linking together that we believe have been committed by the same team because of the style and the MO.

"We just want to make the public aware of these and advise them what steps they can take to try and prevent any more.

"The first things are the obvious ones, secure the boundaries of your property and make sure doors and windows are locked.

"One thing that is very important is when the property is unoccupied, make sure the property looks lived–in. This is important because all these burglaries have taken place when people are out.

"They appear to be late afternoon into the evening when it is getting dark. Some have taken place when people are away, on holiday, some are when people are out for the day, but they know before they enter the property that there is no one in, we believe.

"If you know your neighbours, ask them to keep an eye on your property, use a timer switch for the lighting, use a radio for noise, and if you have an intruder alarm make sure it is on."

DI Wagstaff said that forensic teams and scenes of crime officers have been visiting the properties to gather evidence.

She said that the force is confident they will be able to catch, and jail, those responsible.

She said: "It is quite rare fortunately. We have had similar types of series in the past and we have identified and imprisoned the offenders so we are quite optimistic, but there is a lot of work to do and what we want to do is prevent any further offences taking place."

DI Wagstaff said the officers believe that the burglars are driving around and scoping out their targets before they carry out the burglary.

She said: "We believe they are almost certainly driving around doing a bit of a recce beforehand. Either a few days before or over a space of several days."

Anyone with information or who witnesses and suspicious activity or vehicles is asked to call police on 101. Alternatively, contact Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555111 or at

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